
Thus, Thai cuisine is something that has become an attachment to the local's appetite. Thai food has become an important daily appetite for the people of Bloomington either students or non-students. Having researched a lot of things and interviewed some of the IU students in bloomington, I came into a conclusion that Thai cuisine is just as important as any other cuisine such as western cuisine or asian cuisine in bloomington. Enchanted by the unique flavor of spiciness combined with strong blend of authentic spices make Thai food in bloomington popular and liked by people. Though Thai food is similar to other South East Asian food, there are many things that differentiate it. People like the distinct taste of strong spices and spiciness. Also, Thai food is similar to the Indonesian's food spiciness but Thai food has more a distinct and deep flavor because it uses various spices. I personally like Thai cuisine and list it as the second most favorite food after Japanese food. I often go to My Thai Cafe and Delicious Thai Kitchen restaurant. In addition, I'd like to share a simple word or phrase when you come to Thai restaurant. First, say "Sawatdee" which Thai people say to greet. Secondly, say "Aroy" when you have finished your dish, it is a saying to say delicious! Lastly, say "Khob Kun" because it means "Thank you" in English.

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